5 Billing Principles That Fast Chart Employes

When it comes to outsourcing your medical transcription services, there are many factors to consider. First and foremost, you want to work with a company whose values align with those your organization. You also want a company you can trust. When it comes to your patients medical information, you can never be too safe. However, trust goes even further than trusting your medical transcription company with sensitive data. Trust also means you have faith they will treat you fairly across all aspects of the business relationship, including pricing.

Competitive Pricing

Pricing is competitive. As a physician you know this better than anyone. However, there is a difference in being competitive and being deceptive. Have you ever had a patient call your office upset because they received a bill for a service that was much higher than they had anticipated? Probably so. However, most likely you learned from that situation and try your best to educate your patients on costs prior to performing a service. That way there are no surprises.

Fast Chart’s Approach to Pricing

At Fast Chart, that is the approach we take. We believe transparency is key when it comes to pricing. In fact, we strictly adheres to the Clinical Documentation Industry Association’s billing methods principles, such as the principles below.

  1. Verifiability. We track all of our output with a transparent billing system that clients can access and monitor online anytime.
  2. Definability. We adhere to the AHIMA’s standard unit of measure – Visual Black Character (VBC).
  3. Measurability. Our pricing structure is true to character and accurate, and we provide our clients with detailed billing reports.
  4. Consistency. We consistently apply all of our medical transcription billing methods. We only change methods when the client requests it, and only after the new method has been clearly defined in a new or revised contract.
  5. Integrity. Our billing methods are fair and honest.

When you choose Fast Chart as your medical transcription company of choice, you can rest easy knowing that we will always operate with your best interests in mind. With Fast Chart’s simple, verifiable pricing and billing standards, our clients can be confident that invoices reflect only charges for services rendered. We will always remain fair and transparent when it comes to our clients and there will never be any hidden fees. That is the Fast Chart promise.

Learn More

If you are ready to learn more about Fast Chart’s medical transcription services, request a free quote today. As a small company, we put the client first and treat them like a part of the family. Learn more about why providers are choosing Fast Chart. We look forward to hearing from you.

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